The public was excited by sports journalist Vasily Konov, who published a video from a subscriber in his telegram channel: he filmed how Americans on Sunday evening, February 5, allegedly stand in a long queue at the Russian Vodka Room bar, on the 52nd street of the Big Apple. “But tomorrow in the offices!” – the author jokes.
The video really turned out to be a joke. Attentive subscribers of the telegram channel “Roof of the tourist house” noticed that the queue continues at the entrance to the institution, turning the corner. Someone suggested that people are standing in the vaccination center. In fact, it’s a queue at the August Wilson Theatre on Broadway.
The Russian Vodka Room offers a large selection of vodkas and tinctures, and also serves traditional Russian delicacies: caviar, dumplings, herring under a fur coat, roast duck with apples, cheesecakes, etc. The average check is 30-35 dollars. As it turned out, despite the international situation, the place is really popular. Visitors in their reviews do not get tired of praising the bar. In particular, Stephen, who visited the Russian Vodka Room in January, noted the uniqueness of the place, the retroatmosphere and the beetroot garden, which perfectly went with vodka. And Melanie called her trip to this institution the return of haute cuisine, separately pointing out the excellent service, despite the crowd of visitors. So, there is a queue in this glass room after all.
No less people, according to eyewitnesses, gather on weekends at Arkady Novikov’s London establishment Novikov London, in Mayfair. Although the emphasis here is on Pan-Asian and Italian cuisines, Russian dishes, like vodka, are also on the menu. Judging by the reviews, the institution exceeds all expectations. Only a table here because of the large number of people who want to book in advance.
Both Britons and fellow citizens can take their souls away at the oldest Russian restaurant in the United Kingdom, Borscht N Tears (“Borscht and Tears”), which opened in Chelsea in 1965. Visitors, and there are many Englishmen among them, note large portions and good service. In addition to tinctures, borscht, olivier and pancakes, they offer classic desserts from childhood – Napoleon and honey cake.
However, the “Russian catering” still had difficult times abroad. In March last year, the press reported low attendance at the New York restaurant Russian Tea Room.