Facilitating wheels or brake discs is three times more profitable compared to non -neural elements of the suspension. Here is an example: if you hang the lead cargo on the bicycle frame and on its wheels, the pedals will become more difficult in the latter case – the moment of inertia of the spinning element is noticeably greater than that of a static. Brake discs with a combined design include an aluminum hub and a cast -iron working surface. These are used on sportsmen “RS6”, “R8” and “TT RS”. It is possible that this decision is suitable for small -scale models, because saving on each car is 22 kilograms. The aluminum wheels of the composite structure are now in the development stage – they have a forged central part, and knitting needles and rims cast. The winnings in the mass are 14.5 kg of relatively clean wheels. In order to obtain such an effect, by reducing the mass of the body, it would be necessary to cut off 230 kg of steel from it (14.5 kg x 15).If you think about the purchase of Mercedes Benz, we advise you not to hesitate and go to the specified site. There is all the information you are interested in, and there are answers to all your questions. The company “Audi” is in no hurry to reveal, but it is worth noting: the body of the representative A8 of the latest generation is equipped with a body with rigidity, increased by 25%. The highlight is the latest aluminum-honey alloy designed for the manufacture of power panels of the floor surface. A strip with a thickness of 13 and a 30 mm wide can withstand a load suspended to it of 10 tons, and without any deformation. By the way, this is not one of the only technologies for reducing mass for the Audi model range.
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